Archive for June 2, 2010

To Whom it May Concern:

Please excuse Kristen from her blog updates for the past 3+ weeks. She has been busy and has not had made time to post because of laundry, household chores, multiple trips to Lowe’s, picnics, festivals, the ridiculous heat, bird-watching, and general bouts of laziness.

Also: Empanada-making for the first Grandma-off at M’s work. (The Grandma-off stemmed from a debate among the cubicles about whose grandmother made tastier things for them when they were younger. I don’t think an actual winner was chosen, rather it was an excuse for everyone to eat.)  And since it was the first time we’d ever deep-fried anything we also fried up a couple of Sopapillas, one of which Mr. Tucker thoroughly enjoyed.

Spotting the MetLife blimp in the sky over Laurel on Preakness Weekend.

Taking Mr. Tucker to the groomer for his first spa-cation of the season. Bathing, de-shedding, shaving, nail-clipping, tooth-brushing, breath-freshening, gland-expressing, ear-cleaning, and paw-massaging. Says the person who gets her hair cut in her cousin’s kitchen and has not once stepped foot in a spa.

Visiting the Baltimore Herb Festival where I didn’t even take a single photo but did buy lots of delicious herb varieties, a new wind chime, and this butterfly house which the butterflies and fairies have not yet found but I’m sure, like myself, are just very busy.

Lots of gardening tasks which I will post about soon. (Really, I promise.)

And there has been some cooking, too, but I have some delicious recipes to share so those also will receive their own special posts. Maybe.

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