I couldn’t believe it when I realized last night that it had been a day short of two weeks since I had posted a blog entry. In a way, the time has flown by, but the individual days seem to go so slowly. There has been so much I’ve wanted to write about, but other things got the better of my time. What on Earth have I been up to?
A couple of weekends ago, M and I hit up a couple of garage sales that advertised craft supplies. I got a bunch of crafty patterns (for a stuffed pig, geese, pumpkin, etc), a book called The Quilter’s Album of Blocks & Borders by Jinny Beyer, a bag filled with embroidery floss, and an Italian fountain pen for just a few dollars.

Our garden has also been coping with the heat quite nicely. It’s hard to keep the soil in the containers as moist as the plants would like, but they’re hanging in there. We have a bunch of cucumbers growing and have had multiple harvests of beans. This week, we’ve been plucking sugary-sweet cherry tomatoes from their vines.


We celebrated M’s birthday with a trip to an Orioles game. We also observed Mr. Tucker’s 6th (?) birthday on July 4th. My mom even sent him a card and gift in the mail which he opened voraciously. He spent most of the day at the groomers for their Red, White, and Blueberry spa package. I’ll admit it, he’s spoiled, but he also had a rough life before he came to live with us.


One of the biggest monopolies on my time is actually the most exciting. M and I decided to start the search for a home to buy! We’re keeping our purchase within a strict budget, so it’s definitely been an adventure thus far. At this point I honestly don’t know if we’ll find something that suits us, but our Realtor is fantastic and I’ve really enjoyed working with her. Lessons have been learned: “charming” is not the same as charming. Also, if a home has been on the market for over a year with no pictures, and the listing reads that the property is sold as-is, but in good condition, good becomes “good” and synonymous with “charming.” Like I said, it’s been an adventure…

Tonight we’re taking the night off from sifting through MLS listings to go over to Centennial Park and enjoy their Summer Serenades concert series. I’m not sure who is performing tonight, but it’s a great way to kick back and relax for a couple of hours. I’ve been pretty high-strung lately, so some time to relax and clear my mind is just what I need right now.

5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    angela said,

    Ahh, the language of buying a home. It really is amazing how words all of a sudden have completely new definitions. . . And how people can try to sell a home with no kitchen counters . . . Good luck!

  2. 2

    Ah, some good finds at the yard sale! I always like to get craftt supplies – what I don’t use I can pass on to my mother. But my BEST find ever was a Zojirushi bread machine in perfect condition for $4.00. I use it every week and grin…

  3. 3

    Kiki said,

    @Angela Thanks for the good luck wishes.

    @Valerie That’s a great find with the bread machine! Wow!

  4. 4

    Wow, great craft finds! It’s so satisfying to find things that way isn’t it?

    Good luck on the house hunting! Now is a great time to buy!

  5. 5

    Heide said,

    You’re lucky to be buying now… It’s a lot to slog through, but I bet you’ll end up with an awesome deal! Good luck!

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